Work from home ideas often include flea market ideas too, because selling items at a craft market or flea market can still mean you work from home – during the week, while making your craft market or flea market products.
Now let’s take just one topic, books, and see what you could do with that topic, and how it could be a little more interesting and involved than simply selling second hand books at a flea market.
11 things you could sell at your book related flea market or craft market stand:
1 )
second hand books

Selling second hand books at a market – at a flea market, or at a craft market if the craft market organizers allow you to
purses and bags that you have made out of old hardcover books (attach handles and insert material into the area where the pages were)
3 )
picture frames made out of hard cover books
4 )
make tiny miniature handmade books made from card or leather (or even cut your miniature handmade books’ covers from a hard cover book cover), with tiny sheets of paper inside – these could be used to make a mobile or you could actually add some tiny messages or pictures to the inside of your book, or, if you decorate the front cover of your miniature handmade books with appropriate decorations or images, they could be Christmas tree ornaments – cover the covers of your miniature books with pretty material if you like – thread some of your little books onto a string, repeat for many strings, and they could be hung in a doorway
5 )
hanging bookshelf made from books – drill holes into each of the four corners of an old hardcover book, thread rope through and knot beneath the book, then add another book onto the same four threads of rope, and again knot beneath the book, repeat for a third or fourth book, and finish off at the top with a wooden horizontal pole which can be attached to a wall or hung from the wall
6 )
make material books for babies or toddlers (every page is a rectangular piece of material)
7 )
bookmarks made out of strips of hardcover book covers – decorate your bookmarks
8 )
squares (hollow inside) (or hollow blocks with one side open) made out of books, that can be stacked on top of each other and used as shelving, or as ornament or photo or toy display areas
9 )
handmade and handwritten books or recipe books (or with typed up pages stuck inside)
10 )
Make a dolls house out of books or out of covers of hardcover books
11 )
write an ebook on how you made the items at your flea market stand, or write an ebook about work from home ideas, put the ebook onto disk, add an attractive cd cover, and sell your ebooks at your flea market stand too
Now let’s take things one step further in your attempt to try and make money from books:
Start a website or blog, even a free Blogger blog ( those blogs that have their website address ending in ) and then:
1 )
add a photo of your cd ebook and describe it – accept orders for it, and payment of course, and send people the book via email or give them a download link
2 )
add photos of your other book related products, and promote them on your site in your efforts to make a few sales
3 )
write articles about books or about reading or about work from home ideas or write book reviews
4 )
work at getting traffic to your site
5 )
once you have at least 50 visitors a day, apply for an Adsense account and put Adsense ads on your site
6 )
consider adding Amazon book links too, if you are an Amazon Associates member
7 )
also perhaps advertise books or book related products of other affiliate program sites you are a member of
8 )
once you have quite a bit of regular traffic to your site, consider selling ad space directly to advertisers too (if their products they want to advertise relate to books)
The above ideas may be ideal for those people who love books, but if you think about it, these sort of ideas could be used for any one main topic, not just for books
That is,
sell things at a flea market or craft market (or even just from home) related to something you love
also sell or promote these same items on a site of your own
write articles for your site related to this thing you love (plenty of text content on your site helps people find your site more easily when they search for information on search engines like Google)
monetize your site with ads and work hard at getting lots of people to visit your site
If you think about it, there are more than 31 different ways to make money from books!
© Copyright Teresa Schultz 2014