This is a list of the different ways to earn extra income that we used in 2014. We used several different ways to earn extra income in 2014, so much so that those different ways to earn extra income allowed us to work from home fulltime.

Different Ways to Earn Extra Income
Extra income ideas are wonderful, but nothing’s going to work for you unless you do the work.
Note that we have no university degrees, and that it’s been a learning process along the way. We knew either nothing or very little about these different ways to earn extra income when we first started working from home in early 2008.
We are self-taught from reading free information on the Internet, from practicing, and from learning from trial and error. In other words, just doing it. It’s a difficult step to take to get beyond simply making a list of extra income ideas or work from home ideas, but once that step is taken, the different ways to earn extra income learning and earning journey really begins, and becomes somewhat manageable. Bottom line: we needed to earn money from home, and did something about it.
In 2014 we used different ways to earn extra income from:
1. offering services,
2. selling products,
3. writing for ourselves.
List of Different Ways to Earn Extra Income That We Used in 2014
1. Different Ways to Earn Extra Income
– Offering Services
In 2014, we:

different ways to earn extra income – take photos – fairly good with a camera? Offer a service of doing family photo shoots – at the beach or in the countryside if you don’t have your own suitable place to do the photo shoots
– set up hosting for those domains
– managed domain or hosting annual renewals
– set up WordPress-powered sites or blogs
– gave WordPress lessons over the phone or in person
– gave website-related consultations over the phone or in person
– did website updates or alterations
– set up emails on customers’ own computers
– did Internet research (and reported on findings)
– did on-page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of website pages
– wrote Search Engine Optimized website articles
– did website logo, header banner, or image editing
– took photos of products – for website use
– took photos of people – beach family photo shoot
– wire-wrapping sea glass pieces or stones for jewellery item purposes
2. Different Ways to Earn Extra Income
– Selling Products
In 2014, we:
– sold a few articles on Constant Content
– sold driftwood pieces from our site
– sold sea glass pieces from this site
– sold sea glass pieces at local craft markets

big and small driftwood yachts, loose driftwood pieces, hanging bottle neck votive candle holders, glasses cut from beer bottles
3. Different Ways to Earn Extra Income
– Writing for ourselves
In 2014, we:
– earned extra income writing and interacting on Bubblews – a writing site, which unfortunately has had some issues, the earnings rates have changed, and it’s no longer worth our time
– earned extra income from blogging (writing) on our own sites – writing on our own sites has brought traffic to our sites via search engines’ (like Google) search results, and this has earned us income via the Adsense ads and other ads on our sites, via getting orders for our products, and via getting contacted to be hired for our services.
Combined, these different ways to earn extra income (ways we actually used in 2014) allowed us to work from home fulltime in 2014.
Speaking of “combined” we hope you have noticed something else: Look at the things we are “crazy about” in the header banner of this site: websites, WordPress, SEO, blogging, taking photos, craft markets, extra income ideas, and being self-employed. Not mentioned there is our love for writing, the beach, driftwood and sea glass (but it’s obvious we love the beach, driftwood and sea glass if you visit our site), but what we hope you see is that we’ve combined what we enjoy doing, and have worked with these things to make a living for ourselves, working from home.
With a bit (or a lot) of time and effort and learning (for free on the Internet) you too can use a lot or even all of these different ways to get to that point where you may make a living for yourself, working from home. Start your journey! It may be a long or difficult journey, but if you are determined or desperate enough to make money from home or to work for yourself, you need to get started.
TIP: getting your own domain, hosting and a WordPress-powered site (for selling your products, or for offering your services, or for simply writing on and monetizing it with ads – or for all three!) is a good starting point. As you learn how to manage your own site by fiddling with it, and as you learn how to get traffic to that site, you will come to realize you can offer that knowledge as services to other people who don’t want to learn how to do it themselves or who don’t have the time to. Wanna get to the point where you just need to log in to the dashboard of your own WordPress-powered site and start fiddling with it? Check out our website (or blog) packages. Yes, I had to do that (try and get you to buy something from us) – that’s what it’s all about – and maybe you’ll be doing the same one day. Good luck!
© Copyright Teresa Schultz 2015