A flea market is not only useful as a place to earn an extra income, but can help introduce you to the idea of working from home. Selling products at a flea market may just be the start of a highly successful business run from home. Being …
Not Making Enough Money from Your Small Business?
Not making enough money from your small business may be due to you not doing enough advertising, or due to you not using enough good advertising methods
List of Own Business Ideas for Matriculants
Matriculants, start your own business! More and more South African matriculants are thinking of starting their own business, or coming up with self employment ideas or work from home ideas. Why? The South African youth unemployment rate is …
10 Ways to Increase Product Earnings at a Flea Market Stand
Craft products or edible items – you may increase your product earnings at a flea market stand, in a number of ways. Working from home does not necessarily mean you have to stay home each and every day. Although you are based at home, some …
Does Matric Prepare You for Life After School?
If you finish matric and ask yourself “What now?” then, no, Matric does not prepare you for life after school. Also, matric does not prepare you for life after school if you ask yourself any of the following questions after matriculating:
Basic Steps to Get a Job After Matric
Now what? You’ve finished matric and need to get a job, but you are not sure of what the basic steps to get a job after matric are. In brief, the basic steps to get a job after matric are:
57 Ways to Advertise Your Business for Free
This list of 57 Ways to Advertise Your Business for Free includes how to advertise your business online for free too. The list also includes ways to advertise your website for free, but you do not need a website to advertise your business online for free.
List of 301 Work From Home Ideas
An alphabetical list of 301 work from home ideas will give you many work from home ideas, as ideas should give you more work from home ideas as they make you think. Start your own business, work from home, or earn an extra income from home!
Reasons for Getting a Business Website
If you do not have a business website or your business is not on the Internet, and people are using the Internet to look for the services or products that you have, they’re not going to find you. They will find your competitors instead.
Youth Unemployment in South Africa
The youth unemployment rate in South Africa is frightening. Matriculant jobs are scarce. Matriculants looking for a job in South Africa are struggling to find one, or one that pays a decent income. There are too many unemployed youth in South Africa. Do ALL matriculants or those students soon to matriculate think that they are going to find a job and start working straight after they get their matric results?