Terry and Tony in South Africa. Two South Africans working from home in East London in South Africa since early 2008.

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How Much Does Web Design Cost? How Much does a Website Cost?

Web design cost or website cost? There can be a difference. Web design cost is the amount you’d pay a website designer to design your website, or to customize your website. Website cost can include the cost of the web design, the cost of the domain, the cost of the hosting, the cost of content creation, the cost of logo design or graphic design, the cost of photography, the cost of keyword research and on-page SEO, and the cost of marketing the website.

A website of your own can also cost you nothing other than the domain registration and hosting (and their yearly renewals), and time spent setting up the website yourself, creating pages and content yourself, and marketing the website yourself.

Is it possible to set up your own website if you don’t know how to design a website?

If you have registered a domain and have gotten hosting, you can log into your hosting and install WordPress. You can upload a free theme from wordpress.org and you’re on your way! You have a website of your own and you just need to add its pages of content. It may take a bit of getting used to but you don’t need to know how to design a website.

Does the initial stuff still sound a litte daunting?

You could use our low cost website services to get you past the first few stages of getting a website of your own.

You could get a .co.za website from us for R820 including domain and hosting.

While we can do low cost web design in html, we recommend that to save on the cost of web design, you use a free WordPress theme that does not even need designing. If you use a free WordPress theme you can still add your own website header banner, own images, sometimes change the background image, and add your own choice of WordPress plugins and widgets to make your WordPress website look unique.

Enjoy looking through about 1 500 free WordPress themes at wordpress.org to decide on the look for your website. No web design cost; just choose a free WordPress theme! Then make use of basic customization options to make your WordPress website look different from other websites that may be using the same free WordPress theme.

However, if you would like your WordPress website custom designed, we can design a custom WordPress theme just for you. Stop worrying about the cost of web design, and let us low cost web designers help you get a website up and running. To get a website up and running your website will also need a domain registered and it will need hosting. We can do that for you.

Although we can do low cost web design in html, we prefer working with WordPress. We like to know that we have been of some help to our clients when they do not later want to pay for their website changes and updates, because with WordPress being a content management system, our clients can make their own changes and updates, and can add more content to their sites themselves.

Learn more about our different website packages – starting at just R300, plus .co.za domain and hosting (domain and hosting renewable yearly) = R820.

© Copyright Teresa Schultz and Tony Flanigan 2014

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