Earn money from home. I earn money from home. I am lucky because I know so many people want to earn money from home, and I already am.
I am not just lucky, though! I worked hard and long to get to the point where I can spend just one hour a day on maintaining that R4000 per month income. But you can do this too. You can also earn money from home.

I earn money from home – about R4000 per month for one hour’s work a day!
I earn money from home in other ways too, but this blog post is just about the R4000 I earn from home each month, in return for, currently, on average, about one hour a day’s work.
Clarity when you too want to earn money from home
TO BE CLEAR, please understand it wasn’t one hour a day’s work that got me to this point of earning R4000 a month for one hour a day work; it took a long time to get to this point, more than an hour’s work a day, lots of reading and learning, and longer than two years. It might take you longer or shorter. It depends on how much time you have available to work at it, or on amounts of money you want to invest to help speed up the process.
Also note that while I now finally need to work only one hour a day to earn this R4000 a month, I don’t work just one hour a day. I work as much as possible so that I can further increase the money I earn monthly in return for one hour a day’s work!
I don’t like to invest money when I try to earn money from home; I prefer to invest time and effort. It might have taken me less time had I invested more money into it, but even then, without effort being put in, there was still the risk I wouldn’t get to this point at this time. So I preferred to invest mostly time and effort, working at it bit by bit day by day, reading, learning, doing, patiently, because I’d have to do that anyway, and in investing time and effort, I learned and still learn so much. Stuff that can help me increase the money I earn from home even further.
How do I earn money from home?
(the R4000 a month, I mean, not also my other ways I earn money from home)
The R4000 a month that I earn from home comes from:
– Google Adsense
– A survey site affiliate program
– SFI (Learn more and use the green “Sign up FREE” button if you decide to join)
I cannot tell you how much from each as it is against the rules of SFI to declare one’s SFI business earnings. And I like to stick by rules so as not to risk my earnings. Google Adsense also has strict rules I like to stick by. It’s not worth breaking rules and risking one’s income from those programs or sites etc.
Yes, I hear you say, but how do you actually earn money from home with these three things – Google Adsense, a survey site affiliate program , and SFI?
The short answer is that I had to read and learn how to earn money from home from these three things, and work hard at it all. I was determined to read and learn and work hard. Money doesn’t just fall into one’s lap. I still read and learn and work hard every day.
But here are the bare basics:
It’s a fantastic help that I have my own website (or blog) (this site). It’s a fantastic help that over the past 3 years I have written lots of unique content for this site. It’s a fantastic help that I have learned a little about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so that I can apply what I have learned, and get free traffic (visitors) to my site. Marketing is of the utmost importance when it comes to making money online. One needs traffic. One needs the eyes of other people – many people – to see the things that one is trying to make money online from.
The traffic to this site is how I earn money from home:
– when people click the ads or links on my site, I either earn directly from that, or if they do certain things at the site/s they visit after clicking the link or ad, I earn from that.
BIG TIP: Master marketing (get better at marketing). Master increasing how many people will see the links and ads that you are trying to make money from, links and ads that you have on your own site or elsewhere online. When there are very many eyes seeing your links and ads (good quality links and text and ads of course), then you can earn money from home from just about anything.
And starting your own blog doesn’t have to be expensive. Register a domain (renewable yearly), get hosting for your site (pay monthly or yearly), and then log into your hosting and install WordPress (a Content Management System so that you can manage your own site). Use the default free theme (the look of your site) that WordPress comes with, or exchange it out for another one of over 1500 free themes to choose from. And then start blogging! Reading this post may also be of some help: How do you make money from blogging in South Africa?
© Copyright Teresa Schultz 2016