What to do after matric? What to study after matric? What are other matriculants doing after matric? How to apply for jobs after I have matriculated? Are there jobs for matriculants? Which university should I go to after matric? Where can I get bursaries? What things are there to do in a gap year after matric? Should I take a gap year after matric, or start working immediately or study further?
Are There Freelance Jobs for Matriculants?
There are always freelance jobs available for matriculants, and not just for matriculants but also for anybody else looking for freelance jobs online. The trick, though, is to know where to look for freelance jobs, how to apply for the freelance jobs, being confident you can do the work, and to be hired to do that freelance work.
List of Own Business Ideas for Matriculants
Matriculants, start your own business! More and more South African matriculants are thinking of starting their own business, or coming up with self employment ideas or work from home ideas. Why? The South African youth unemployment rate is …
Matriculants Who Can’t Find Work Should Work From Home
There are many matriculants struggling to find work, even some matriculants who have done further studies and have a degree, but how long should a matriculant spend time looking for work before trying a different approach to earning an income?
Youth Unemployment in South Africa
The youth unemployment rate in South Africa is frightening. Matriculant jobs are scarce. Matriculants looking for a job in South Africa are struggling to find one, or one that pays a decent income. There are too many unemployed youth in South Africa. Do ALL matriculants or those students soon to matriculate think that they are going to find a job and start working straight after they get their matric results?