So you want easy ways to lose weight because you don’t want to put too much effort into it. This is probably the dream of many who want to lose weight – to find very easy ways to lose weight.

easy ways to lose weight
I think many people over-complicate things when it comes to how they could lose weight. I’ll have to exercise more; I’ll have to eat less; I’ll have to give up my sweet things; I’ll have to buy diet drinks; I’ll have to eat foods I don’t like or that I’m not used to eating; it’s going to be expensive for me to lose weight.
Many people start making an effort and then give up, because it seems so hard to lose weight. Or they want to lose weight too quickly. Imagine, though, if you’d started to lose weight gradually, bit by bit, a year or more ago, how much weight you would have lost by now. There’s no reason why you can’t start to lose weight gradually, starting now.
5 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Gradually
1. Big sweet coffee or tea drinker?
Keep your coffee or tea sweet, but drink from a smaller cup. You’ll need less sugar in the cup, and will still get your coffee or tea fix – probably enough of a fix to prevent you from drinking more cups than you usually do – don’t make the new cup too small! After a while, try a slightly smaller cup too. You could also use small tea cups instead of coffee mugs for your coffee.
You can use a smaller glass (than usual) for sweet cold drinks that you usually drink too.
2. Do a parkrun every Saturday morning
“But this is a difficult one!” I hear you cry. Hear me out: it’s 5km. You can walk it. Many others do too. You may find the 2nd one, even on exactly the same course, more tough than the first, but hang in there – it will get easier from the third one on!
It costs nothing to do a parkrun other than the cost of your transport to the venue and back. Register online, and you get a barcode you show at the end of each parkrun, and you can monitor online how you’re doing each week.
Get out in the fresh air and do a parkrun – every Saturday morning! Health benefits? At the very least, you won’t be eating while you are doing a parkrun!
Okay, if you absolutely think that you cannot get to a parkrun every Saturday morning or any Saturday morning at all, then at least start keeping yourself busy for an hour or so at least once a week, when you wouldn’t normally be doing that activity anyway. Perhaps some housework, gardening, or walking to the nearby shop and back. Even walking around doing some window shopping (look at clothes or other things, not food!) at the nearby shopping mall. While you are busy doing this new or extra activity each week, at the very least you won’t be eating at the same time.
3. Stop eating earlier
You know it, you do, that feeling when you start feeling a little full while eating a large meal. You look at your plate and think “I’m almost done, I might as well finish.” STOP!
Depending on what the food is and if it’s healthy for cats and dogs, you could add the food to your cat or dog’s usual food, giving your pet slightly less of their usual pet food – lose weight and save money! Or, you could put the food in a small container in the fridge, and eat it the next day on a slice of bread or add it into another meal you’re having the next day. If you do this, remember to try eat that day-old food first, if it’s not mixed in with your other food, so when you STOP again before finishing this new meal, only a part of the new food gets put into the fridge for the next day.
Your meals are now going slightly further than they used to. Lose weight and save money!
4. Drink more water even if you don’t like drinking water
There’s no need to go overboard drinking more water and risk giving up on the idea entirely: if you’re already drinking three glasses of water a day, add just one more. If you’re drinking no water at all because you don’t like it other than with your coffee or tea, start drinking just two glasses of water a day.
You can also flavour the water, even with something slightly sweet like just a tiny little bit of low fat mix cooldrink, or with some other flavouring that isn’t fattening at all, or perhaps with flavoured ice blocks. If you have your water really icy cold, you may not feel you need it to be sweet, though. Water helps fill you up, and may help you eat slightly less. Being well-hydrated may also help you think more clearly!
5. No need to cut down on the amount of food on your plate
What are the things that are healthy and low fat that you do like to eat? Put bigger helpings of those low fat foods on your plate and less of the things that are fattening. You’ll still end up with a full plate of food – even perhaps a nearly overflowing plate of food if you put only the low fat foods that you like to eat on your plate (and no fattening foods at all).
Still sitting here wondering what you should read next? Wondering about other easy ways to lose weight? Get up and go get a glass of nice cold water, or put a bottle of water into the fridge so it can be nice and cold later. Or, sit just a bit longer, while you go register online for the parkrun. Then go do the water thing right after that! And don’t forget to pop out and buy a smaller coffee cup. Even order smaller coffee cups online. It’s that easy to start to lose weight.
Disclaimer: The information on this site should not be relied upon. The information is general and informative only. Do not let any health concerns or legal concerns wait because of anything you have read on this site. Consult with a medical professional or legal professional about your health concerns or legal concerns.
© Copyright Teresa Schultz 2015