Make money with old photographs. Yes, it’s possible to make money with old photographs if you put in the time and effort, and at not much cost to you! Most people will have a shoe box or two of old photographs lurking around somewhere collecting dust. If you’re one of the unfortunates who don’t have old photographs, don’t despair. Just …
Crawfords Beach Lodge – Cintsa East
We went to Crawfords Beach Lodge. Terry won a prize in a photography competition – a few actually, but we’d already used most of them. Well, the other two. The biggie was a two night stay, bed and breakfast at Crawfords Beach Lodge in Cintsa East, just a little way north along the coast from East London. SPOILER ALERT! If you haven’t yet been to Crawfords, go have a look at the …
Buffalo City 360 Photography Competition in East London – I Did Well!
A photography competition isn’t much of a photography competition without some prizes or at least recognition for the photographers. The prize giving event for the 4th Buffalo City My360 photography competition was recently held in East London – and the organizers and sponsors were generous with giving out fantastic prizes. I’m happy and proud to announce that I received 3 of the 28 My360 photography competition prizes! My Buffalo City 360 photography competition placings and prizes:
Online Photography Courses and How to Make Money with Photography
Online photography courses are perfect for those who want to learn how to make money with photography (so need to improve their photography skills), but who don’t yet have much self-confidence. Why do online photography courses? Some online photography courses are free or not very expensive. There are many short online photography courses covering only specific parts of…
Taking Photographs Into The Sun
Taking photographs into the sun is fun! Who said photographers have to obey the rules, when using photographic tools? Why stick to photography rules like glue, and always put that sun behind you? Make taking photographs more fun, by putting your subjects in front of the sun!