Looking for ways to make money from home or how to earn extra money in South Africa? A list of lists totaling over 3 000 ways to make money from home! Many of these ways to make money or work from home ideas or ways to make extra money in South Africa can be used by people not living in South Africa too!

Over 3 000 Ways to Make Money from Home
– Work from home
– or make extra money in South Africa?
– Make money online for free?
– Make money writing?
Are you looking for:
– Small business ideas in South Africa?
– Self employment ideas?
– Ideas for things to make and sell?
Many ways to make money from home are listed right here,
and other lists of work from home ideas, ways to make money from home, or extra income ideas are mentioned too – totaling over 3 000 ways to make money from home!
The list of lists of ways to make money from home or how to earn extra money in South Africa below is not just for you. Many of these things can be done by those not living in South Africa too, and, the list below also contains links or web page addresses of places or information that I myself think may be well worth my while checking out again or in more detail (should I manage to find the time somewhere in my work from home days to try a few more ways to monetize our own sites, or try some other ways to make money from home). I will be referring back to this page myself, when I can or want to do more things to make money from home.
Note: Although I have sometimes linked to or mentioned some things or places that cost money to get. start or join, I have mostly tried to tell you about ways to work from home or ways to make extra money from home that cost you nothing to start.
Over 3 000 Ways to Make Money from Home – List of Lists!
1. Make money from home from doing Internet research work
To create this list of lists totaling over 3 000 ways to make money from home or ways to earn extra income, I had to do a bit of Internet research first – well, quite a bit actually. I can make money from that Internet research work that I did. Just having this new page of useful information on our site helps draw visitors to our site. We have ads on our site, affiliate links, and services that we offer. We can earn from all of that, but another way to make money from home from doing Internet research work is to offer it as a service to others. Other people need Internet research work done, and may not have the time to do it themselves. People want to know something (or many things) and instead of looking for that information on the Internet themselves, and taking notes on what they find, they can pay you to do so.
2 to 611. Ways to make money or work from home or make extra money
Visit our extra income ideas list page to see a list of various ways to work from home or to make extra money from home in South Africa. You will see that some titles are also lists! Click through to read the full article of any that sound good to you! That’s already over 610 ways to make money or work from home or make extra money done and dusted!
612 to 652. Selling.
A list of 40 sites for selling your photos or designs
If you take good photos or design high quality logos or website templates, this list may be of interest. Pick and choose between the different sites in the list, and start selling your photos and designs from those sites!
653 to 681. Make Money with your site
28 Ways to Make Money with your site or blog
Did you think you could only make money with your site by putting ads on the pages, selling a product or offering a service? Really? Well, read this article to discover otherwise!
682 to 756.
A list of 75 things you can make with pieces of driftwood
If you stay near a public river bank or beach that has driftwood lying on it, you’re in luck! Driftwood is free material that you can use to make something like craft items or decor items, and then you can sell those craft items or decor items!
757 to 767.
11 book related things to sell at a flea market or craft market
– and it’s not just about selling books, but more about making things from books, that you could sell!
768 to 798.
31 Different Ways to Make Money from Books
Read through an interesting list of ways to make money from books – and, again, not just from selling them.
Elegant Themes WordPress Themes Affiliate Program
Become an affiliate for Elegant WordPress Themes
Entireweb Affiliate
Become an affiliate for Entireweb
The learning center of the HubPages Writing Site – learn about how to make money writing on HubPages
803.Sell the articles you write.
Constant Content
Can you write fairly well? Is your English pretty good? Write and sell your unique (published nowhere else) articles on Constant Content!
804. Join freelance jobs sites and do freelance work
Freelance Job Sites, like oDesk and eLance
Set up your profile, have a look around the freelance site to get used to how it works, and wait for invitations to apply for freelance jobs, or, rather, have a look at the many available freelance jobs and apply for many freelance jobs that you think you’ll be able to do well, and wait to see if you get invited for an “interview” (usually via email or a messaging system within the freelance job site). Many of the freelance jobs on freelance job sites are often related to writing or websites or website marketing. Have a look at some of the freelance jobs available – many can be done even if you have little or no experience – some just take time, and busy individuals or businesses are willing to pay for your time.
805 to 1 054. Crafts kids can do
250 Ways that Moms (or Dads!) could get crafty with their kids Make craft items with your kids or for your kids or just because you still feel like a kid inside. Many of the craft items are good enough to be sold to other people from home, online, or at a flea market or craft market, and you can get your kids to help you make the craft items. This is a great idea for moms who need to or want to stay home with their kids, need to keep their kids occupied, and need to make money.
1 055 to 1 061.
Some money making programs that do well for Lisa Irby
Lisa Irby is a fantastic entrepreneur and affiliate marketer. She has many helpful articles (or blog posts) on her 2createawebsite blog – and the article linked to above is one of my favourites by Lisa Irby
1 062 to 1 069. Do online surveys for money or rewards
Fill in surveys and earn cash or rewards – note: avoid online surveys where you need to pay to join, and do not expect to make a lot of money filling in surveys – do it for fun and maybe to enjoy the little extra cash or rewards you can earn from completing some surveys.
There are 7 different online surveys to join at SurveyCompare.co.za,
and there’s another one here below.
Surveywell Advert:
For South Africans: Get Paid for Surveys – Free to Join!
Update: Also consider joining SurveySavvy – ACCEPTS MEMBERS FROM MANY COUNTRIES – and you can ALSO earn when those you refer to SurveySavvy successfully complete surveys!
1 070 to 1 089.
20 Driftwood Wedding Ideas
Can you make these wedding things from driftwood? Then do so and sell them to wedding planners, to shops that sell wedding things, or to couples about to get married!
1 090 to 1 101.
Be an affiliate in South Africa
South Africans can be affiliates for various different sites or products, some of which include Amazon, Kalahari, Want-It-All, AdMarula, Clickbank, Offerforge, Bid or Buy, Travel 247, TrafficSynergy, Feelgood Health, affiliate.co.za and Surveywell. You sign up for the affiliate program, put banners or links on your site, and when visitors to your site click those banners to visit the advertised site, and do something like fill in a form, join something, order a service, or buy a product, you earn a commission (because you helped that business or site get a new customer or client).
1 102 to 1 121.
More than 20 more ways to be an affiliate – this is in an October 2014 income report for Pat Flynn, an excellent and high-earning blogger with an excellent blog – where you will find tons of helpful posts about being smart about making passive income. Note: If you’re South African joining affiliate programs or sites that aren’t based in South Africa, always first check that that the affiliate program or site pays South Africans before you start spending time promoting the affiliate program’s advertisers’ sites or products or services.
1 122 to 1 134. Make money writing
List of 13 ways to make money from your writing.
Writing and publishing a book or selling articles to magazines are not the only ways to make money from your writing.
1 135 to 1 634. Make money with your computer and the Internet!.
Do you just want to mostly sit at home on your computer and make money? Then make money with your computer and the Internet! View this absolutely amazing and extremely helpful list of 500 ways to make money online, on the selfmadebusinessman.com site.
1 635.
Earn Extra Income or Start a Small Business Making and Selling Snack Platters
If you like to cook and bake or make snacks, then this one may be for you. Check out a list of things you should consider if you’re thinking of making and selling snack platters for extra income or as a small business.
1 636 to 1 885. Sell.
List of where to sell your art, photos and crafts online A list of over 250 places to sell your art or crafts online.
1 886 to 2 024. Ways to Make Money Online
Over 140 ways to make money online A great list of a large variety of ways to make money from home online.
2 025 to 2 124. Free Ways to Make Money Online
More than 70 Free Ways to Make Money Online It’s actually 100 ways, but for fear of overlap with some of the ways to make money from home in the lists I’ve already mentioned, and to be fair to this list of over 3 000 ways to make money from home, I’m counting it as only 70.
2 125 to 2 225.
101 Ways to Make a Living in South Africa Many of these ways may bring in just a small income. Consider combining some of the ways, especially ones that may relate to each other.
2 226 to 2 283. Small Business Ideas
58 Small Business Ideas for entrepreneurs in Africa
There is a healthy amount of useful information about each of these small business ideas.
2 284 to 2 385.
102 Ways to Generate Extra Cash
Easy and useful ideas to generate some extra cash – some so easy you may not even have thought of them!
2 386 to 2 450. Home Business ideas
65 home business ideas that are easy to start
2 451. Make money blogging on your own blog.
Set up a blog, a free one like a blogspot.com (Blogger) blog, or, preferably, your very own blog (get a domain, hosting, and install the WordPress Content Management System (free) via your hosting). Use the default free WordPress theme or choose from over 1 500 other free WordPress themes, or buy and use a premium WordPress theme.
See How to Make Money from Blogging for ten steps to take to get you to where you can start to make money blogging on your own blog.
2 452 to 2 491. Market Day Recipes – cook and bake and sell!
Like to bake and cook? Make money from what you make. 22 Market Day Recipes
and 18 Baking For Profit Recipes – South African recipes on the Huletts Sugar site.
2 492 to 2 505. Buy and Sell
Buy second hand items you can resell at a profit, or buy new items in bulk, that you can repackage into smaller packets or boxes or other containers, and then sell them to make a profit: if a bulk package costing you R500 consists of 100 items, that’s R5 an item, or ten for R50. Repackage 10 per new smaller package and sell packs of ten for R75 or more (make a R25 or more profit per ten items) – or even sell the items individually. Things to consider buying in bulk and then repackaging into smaller packs or selling individually include: small toys, sweets, beads and other jewelry making items, inexpensive jewelry items, accessories, cooldrinks, chips, stationery, inexpensive fashion make-up, gift boxes, gift packets, gift tags, greeting cards, containers.
2 506 to 3 000 plus. CRAFT IDEAS GALORE!
There are plenty of craft ideas on Pinterest. Each of the craft ideas are represented by an image, and many of them lead to a website that tells you how to make those craft items. Even if the image doesn’t link to a website with a tutorial, just looking at so many craft ideas on Pinterest will surely give you plenty of ideas on what crafts to make that you can sell from home, to your friends and family, online, from your own site or blog, or at flea markets or craft markets.
Some specific types of craft ideas on Pinterest:
– driftwood craft ideas
– sea glass craft ideas
– vintage craft ideas
– country craft ideas
– recycling craft ideas
– homemade jewelry craft ideas
DONE! Phew! That was a lot of work!
If you found this list of lists of ways to make money useful, then please use the share buttons at the top or bottom to share it with your social site friends – thank you! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Hmmm, not quite done! How will you let people know about whatever is you are doing to try make money? After all, if not many people know about what it is you’re doing, how can you expect to make much money from it?
Solution! – 57 Ways to Advertise Your Business for Free!
And some more resources still too!
ebooks and books that do not cost an arm and a leg:
250 Ways to Make Money
An ebook that consists of considerably more than just a list of ideas
50 Ways to Make Money While You Sleep
Cool, huh?
Once you’ve done the necessary work, continue to make money even while you sleep! This ebook tells you how to do it.
books on Amazon:
1001 Ways to Make Money If You Dare
99 Ways To Make Money From Your Photos
150 Ways to Make Money Online: Learn How to Make Hard Cash with Your Computer from Home
There you have it! Plenty to browse through. Or maybe you already did on your way to this paragraph? I hope you had pencil and paper with you to take notes. Now get started using the ideas or sites to work from home or to make extra money!
Important Note: We advise that you do not risk paying money to join anything, start anything, or buy anything especially if you’re already struggling for income. Rather consider trying free methods of making money from home or online first. You could always consider trying ways to make money from home that are not free at a later stage, when you are in a better position to afford to risk spending money on something. Also, always first go through all information or terms and conditions very carefully, especially when also parting with your money, or when you are considering spending a large amount of time on something.
Be sure to check if anything that you plan to join is definitely available to the country you live in (so that you can get paid by the place or program).
You may have to get a Google Adsense account for some of the ways to make money (be sure not to sign up too early – there are certain requirements that need to be met before your Google Adsense account application will be accepted, and if it is rejected the first time you sign up, it can be extremely difficult to be accepted upon second application when you have a history of a rejected Google Adsense account application).
You may need to get a PayPal account to receive some payments – South Africans can receive payments from PayPal through getting a PayPal account, an FNB online banking account, and linking the two together.
Disclaimer: I have not tried all the work from home ideas or used all the tips given in the sites or articles linked to or mentioned above. Use the ideas and tips at your own risk. Anything you wish to join, be sure to go through terms and conditions carefully. We absolve ourselves from any issues or problems arising from you visiting any sites or joining any sites or programs or buying any products. This page of information is meant to be of general assistance and for general information only.
© copyright Teresa Schultz 2014