Is Eskom load shedding whites? Is it too shocking or scary to be true that over 1 000 white Eskom electrical engineers and over 2 000 other white Eskom employees need to start making future income plans?

load shedding fun and games – or not
If it’s true that over 3 000 skilled white Eskom employees will lose their jobs between now and 2020, Eskom load shedding to help prevent a total blackout from happening is not the only thing South Africans need to be concerned about. If over 3 000 skilled South African workers are going to be without a job that’s a lot of people that are likely going to be looking for a new job in addition to those just finished matric or university, or a lot of people considering to leave South Africa.
What if leaving South Africa isn’t an option, or won’t ensure a future income? Then future ex white Eskom employees who cannot yet afford to retire will need to find another job or some other ways to make money – the same as any other person, no matter what race, who cannot find a job and needs to make money.
Unemployment affects so many South Africans, no matter what their age or race, and no matter if they once worked for Eskom or not.
Question: What do people do who cannot find a job no matter how hard or long they try? Answer: They turn to crime to try and survive, or they get help from others if they know who to turn to, or they try to make a living for themselves by becoming self-employed.
If Eskom load shedding doesn’t get too out of hand, there’s always the Internet one can use to make a living from home. In fact, South Africans can “work” for anyone in the world if they use the Internet and make money online, and South Africans don’t need to leave South Africa to do so.
For those who are not computer literate or Internet savvy, it may not be easy, but using computers, the Internet, and making money online is certainly a solution to an unemployment problem. Those not too computer literate or Internet savvy can also do courses to learn something new or to increase their knowledge about certain topics. There are even very many inexpensive short courses online on a wide variety of topics. Start learning on Udemy today! Or they could even read free information all over the Internet. One can learn just about anything from reading, and if one already pays for Internet anyway, that reading or learning online is free.
Excluding any Eskom load shedding issues, Ways South Africans Can Make Money Online, or Get an Income from People Outside of South Africa, from the Comfort of Their Own Homes, Anytime They Like:
- Sell items online – from one’s own site, from a Facebook page, from classifieds sites or from sites like Gumtree, eBay, Etsy, stock photo sites and product photo sites
- Offer freelance services – from one’s own site, from a Facebook page, from classifieds sites or business listing sites, or from freelance sites like Elance-oDesk or Fiverr.
- Blog – write new posts regularly, and frequently add these new posts to your site, work hard at or spend a lot of time on getting lots of people to visit your site, and then monetize your site with ads, products you sell, or services you offer (or all of those).
Whatever it is you try, treat it like a real business and realize you will need to be professional and do tons of marketing of your site or other-site pages. Luckily there are many free ways to advertise a business, but free ways to advertise a business often take a lot of time.
Do some load shedding of your own, relax and realise that if you have a computer and Internet, and are willing to learn and work hard, and understand that you need to market what it is you’re doing quite a lot, there’s always work for you, no matter your race or if you once worked for Eskom.
The following articles or posts on this site may help you with some of that stress load shedding:
List of Over 3 000 Ways to Make Money from Home
Get Payments from Websites that Pay via PayPal – for South Africans
9 Ways to Make Money from Your Own Website
© Copyright Teresa Schultz 2015