Bubblews members are abuzz right now wondering if Facebook has blocked Bubblews. It is currently unclear if it was Bubblews that has requested Facebook to do this, or if Facebook has blocked Bubblews on their own.

Has Facebook blocked Bubblews?
For those who don’t yet know it, Bubblews is a social writing site, where one can get paid when one’s short posts get views, likes or comments – unlike Facebook that doesn’t pay its members for any views, likes or comments for things they write on Facebook.
Bubblews has been experiencing a high amount of spam, and so far seems to be struggling to get it under control. Perhaps that has something to do with the current Facebook blocking of Bubblews, but perhaps not.
How much is currently being blocked?
It seems like everything.
Bubblers who share their posts to Facebook while they are logged in at Bubblews, simply get an “error” message right at the share button, and if they hover over it to try and see what the url says, they should partly be able to see a message saying the link has been blocked.
Trying to post a link to any page on Bubblews, on one’s Facebook profile / timeline doesn’t work anymore. A message comes up saying Facebook doesn’t think that Bubblews is a safe site to link to, but that if one thinks that’s an error, to report it to Facebook.
Bubblers who had some links on their Facebook profiles are reporting that those links are now gone from their Facebook profiles.
Even the Bubblews Facebook page seems to be gone.
Many people enjoying earning extra income for what they write, and for their interaction on Bubblews – without any problems getting paid by Bubblews, even though there are also many people who complain of not receiving their “redemption” payments, saying they haven’t broken any rules, and even though the site seems to be becoming more and more riddled with spam and plagiarized content.
It will be interesting to see how this all pans out. Is Facebook blocking Bubblews? Will Bubblews last long into the future? Only time will tell.
UPDATE 31 AUGUST 2014 The owner of Bubblews has done a post on Bubblews to announce that he too does not know why Facebook has blocked Bubblews, so it appears to be that he did not request that Facebook block Bubblews.
note: at the time of the update above, a “Bubblews Family” group still exists on Facebook, where members of the group, often consisting of members who do not speak English as a first language, offer liking and commenting of Bubblews posts in return for having their own Bubblews posts liked and commented on – but any linking to Bubblews is no longer allowed in this group. Being involved in an exchange group like this is against the rules and TOS of Bubblews.
It is more important than before that Bubblews start a Bubblews membership application approval process. It should be a top priority of the site.
While it is still a little unclear why Facebook blocked Bubblews, the block lasted not much more than a day, before everything reverted back to normal.
© Copyright Teresa Schultz 2014
– who also writes at Bubblews – Teresa’s profile at Bubblews