You can get free traffic to your site or page from tsu or from Facebook or from another social site. How to get free traffic from tsu is what I’ll be speaking about here, since I’ve recently joined tsu and am enjoying the site.

get free traffic
You could use these same tips or points (or slightly adjusted tips or points depending on the social site you’re on, and the format and rules of that social site) for getting free traffic from tsu for any social site you wish to use to send free traffic to your site, your writing site posts or pages, your YouTube videos or your other online stuff.
How to Get Free Traffic to Your Site or Page from Tsu
Well, it could be as simple as copy pasting the link to your profile page status update area (the link that you want people to click so that they will visit your site or page), but if you’d like to get more free traffic than just the odd visitor here and there, then doing the following things may help you get a little more free traffic (or maybe even a lot more free traffic) :
You can give your post (your status update) a title on tsu – so do it – it can help make your site or page sound more interesting – the title of the actual page you’re linking to will appear automatically beneath the link you post, so here’s your opportunity to perhaps use a few different words to the words that appear in the title of the page you’re linking to. Think of an interesting, funny or catchy title that will make people want to read more.
Even though the first few lines of the content of the page you’re linking to will show up once you’ve pasted your link, don’t just post the link. Write a few words, even just a line or two, before pasting your link. Use this opportunity to say something else about the content you’re trying to send people to – not “click to read more” but something that may make them struggle to resist to click to read more anyway.
Try and make sure the page you’re linking to has a good photo or other image near the top. This photo or image will also appear automatically on tsu once you’ve posted your link – don’t rush when adding an image to the page you’re going to be linking to – think about it carefully – is it something that many people will enjoy seeing, or that may intrigue them to find out more or see more? Try take your own photos or create your own images rather than spend time struggling to find an appropriate free image that you have permission to use. Add your name to the photo if possible (edit the photo and type on it), or even your website name.
Build relationships with other people on tsu so that they get to know you and like you – try to avoid following just anybody – follow those people whose posts interest you, or those people who have things in common with you. View the stuff they post. “Like” the stuff they post. Leave a decent comment on the stuff they post. Share (to your own profile) their posts that you really enjoy or that you find useful, and that you think your own followers will enjoy or find useful too.
Try to avoid only posting your links and sharing other people’s stuff to your own profile. In between posting links to your profile on tsu or sharing other people’s posts or images to your profile, write some interesting content that doesn’t link anywhere, or upload one of your own favorite photos and speak about it. You don’t want people to think that all you care about is getting traffic to your own site or pages, because that’s not true, is it? 😉
Just before submitting your post on tsu, also click the Facebook or Twitter share buttons (if you’ve connected up your Facebook and Twitter accounts on tsu) – so that you’re also giving your actual tsu post more exposure.
Do a lot of d) and e) from the previous section
Invite other people to join tsu, and encourage them to invite others to join tsu – you can build a network of people who may be interested in what you have to say or in what you post on your tsu profile page, and they may be eager to share that with their own followers.
Create and upload a video to YouTube, with a description beneath it that includes a link to the site or page you’re trying to get more traffic to. Link to (share) that video on your tsu profile page.
You can actually earn on tsu, but not very much at all if you’re not very active there, or don’t have a large network (started by you inviting others to join, using your tsu shortcode [your tsu profile url, basically]) – but, at the very least, tsu can be another social site for you to get free traffic to your site or page – if you put some thought and work into it.
Tsu is certainly not just for getting traffic or trying to build a network that may help you make a little money there – it’s also a place to just hang out with or to keep in touch with family and friends – a lot like Facebook.
Even if you’re not interested in joining tsu and building a network and being extremely active on tsu in order to try earn extra income there, joining tsu and being a little bit active there can still at least be an opportunity for you to send some free traffic your way – and, hey, you may make some new friends too or can hang out with your family and friends there,
and, hey-hey, you’re still sort of earning from tsu if traffic from tsu to your site, pages or YouTube videos is to your monetized site, pages or YouTube videos (if your own site or page or video is monetized with ads or services you offer, or products you sell). So even if you don’t want to earn on tsu, being a little active on tsu can still help you earn from your own sites or pages or videos elsewhere.
Would you like an invite to join the social site tsu?
Here’s my invite: tsu – Teresa Schultz
© Copyright Teresa Schultz 2014
image credit: Teresa’s own image