We have many no cost ideas for Circle of Moms moms desperate to find work at home jobs – right here on this site.
Why is this work at home jobs ideas post aimed at desperate Circle of Moms moms specifically, when many people are desperate to find work at home jobs or ways to make money or earn extra income?

Work at home mom and her two sons. A photo of the author of this post and her two sons, taken in early 2011.
I am a work at home mom myself. I have two teenage sons, and have been making a living working from home, along with my boyfriend, since early 2008.
I know what it’s like to feel desperate to find work or to make money, or to feel desperate to earn extra income.
Although I haven’t really visited the site in a long time, I am a member at Circle of Moms.
I have seen very many posts and comments on Circle of Moms about moms being desperate to find work at home jobs.
I can understand wanting to stay home with one’s kids, but being desperate to find work or needing to earn extra income while doing so.

Desperate to find work? Work at home jobs for moms? Writing online is just one way to work at home that has no start up cost (if you already have a computer and Internet access).
I have seen very many posts and comments on Circle of Moms about moms being desperate to find work at home jobs that don’t cost them anything to start – and we have ways to make money that cost nothing to start. We even use some of these ways ourselves.
I understand that moms – especially those desperate to find work at home jobs – get upset when something they paid money for doesn’t work out for them, and they end up losing money instead – the easiest way to avoid that happening is to start things that don’t cost any money.
Working from home myself, I understand what goes into it, and that not all the so called scams Circle of Moms get involved in are actually scams at all.
Many work from home opportunity organizers don’t explain how much work needs to go into getting whatever needs to be done, done, in order to earn the great incomes those organizers speak about. Many moms don’t understand that they need to be good marketers too, in order to make a work at home job work – and if they’re not good marketers (good at advertising) or don’t spend a lot of time on marketing or advertising, they can’t expect to earn a lot of money from a work from home opportunity.
It’s time consuming and sometimes difficult to accept that one needs to first spend some time learning about ways to advertise something. Moms may not even know that there are quite a few free ways to advertise something.
I left a comment or two on Circle of Moms once, on posts where moms were desperate to find work at home jobs, or ways to earn extra income from home, about two years ago now, that resulted in me sometimes getting emails from Circle of Moms moms about if I could help them with ways they could make money from writing, or with ways they could make money with no start up costs.
I know many Circle of Moms moms enjoy hanging out on the Circle of Moms site, whether they are desperate to find work or not, commenting on posts and interacting with other moms, and may not know that they can actually get paid to do something very similar (writing short posts – a long comment for example – commenting and interacting with other people) on other sites or even on their own site.
Further notes, and the email I usually send to Circle of Moms moms:
From time to time, I still get the odd email from Circle of Moms moms who are desperate to find work at home jobs. Still getting these emails two years later makes me realize just how desperate some moms are to work from home so they can stay home with their kids. I hope I can help them with the information on this page, and with the information on various pages of this site.
For any Circle of Moms moms (or any mom desperate to find work at home jobs), here is the email below, that I usually send desperate Circle of Moms moms who ask me about ways to make money from writing, or ways to make money starting with nothing:
Hope I can be of some help.
I work from home, as does my boyfriend. We’re 40something and 50something. We started working from home together when he couldn’t find a job – in early 2008. We live in the same house as my parents, along with my two teenage sons – I moved to my parents’ home when I left my husband (now ex-husband) in 2007 – and some months are still a struggle, but we are surviving.
There are many ways in which a person can work from home, without paying anything to start – but not many, or even none, of these methods are easy, nor will they make you a ton of money overnight –
It sometimes helps to try a few different methods of earning extra income, and to combine or do a few of them, not just one.
A brief overview of the ways in which we ourselves make money from home:
taught ourselves how to design websites, and offer web designing as a service
learning about SEO (learning done simply by reading articles on the Internet) and offer it as a service
offer various other freelance services related to websites and the Internet, after having learned more along the way – we offer the services on our own site, tell people we meet that we design websites, stick a simple A3 size self-printed poster in the back window of our car (two A4size pieces of paper next to each other) and also get work on a freelance job site called oDesk
monetizing our sites with ads and marketing our sites like crazy so that they get a decent amount of visitors (when the ads are clicked we earn from that)
writing online, on online writing sites – have tried many sites, but Bubblews is the best for us so far – if you want to try selling articles you’ve written, try Constant Content.
selling things we get for free like sea glass and driftwood
making and then selling things at local flea markets or craft markets
Beside having a look through our Extra Income Ideas page, I hope that reading the following articles on our site can be of some help:
How We Make Money Working From Home
How Do You Make Money While Staying at Home?
Ways to Make Money Without Paying Anything
10 Ways to Make Money That Cost Nothing to Start
Good luck!
Hope this has been of some help.
© Copyright Teresa Schultz 2014